Saintly Works of Ukrainian Archbishop Andrey Sheptytsky

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Venerable_Andrey_SheptytskyToday, I encountered an article that features a Catholic archbishop who evangelized not just in words but more importantly in deeds. Though his time was marked with conflict and persecutions, he had overflowing courage and love to protect the Jews from the Nazis. Aside from this, he also did many works of charity, not because it was easy, but despite the difficulties presented by his time. That’s why I’m not surprised Pope Francis himself recognizes the saintly works of Archbishop Andrey Sheptytsky. May his life inspire those who are experiencing difficulties in Ukraine and other places right now.

“During this time of foreign aggression against Ukraine – as well as turmoil in so many other historically Eastern Christian lands – this recognition brings particular consolation,” Fr. Peter Galadza, acting director of the Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies, stated July 17. “Archbishop Sheptytsky demonstrated saintly courage when he sheltered more than 160 Jews during the Nazi Holocaust.”