The Shroud of Turin’s Forensic Medical Explanation

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The is a piece of cloth that bears the image of a man who suffered and died in the manner of crucifixion. It’s been a subject of intense debate because many people believe that the image it bears is while others do not believe that and even think the a fraud. This week, someone sent me links that contain information about the Shroud. They are all written in Spanish, so I just translated them using Google Translate in order to understand the contents. Two links contain information on the exhibition of the Shroud of Turin in Oviedo Cathedral two years ago and the other about the forensic examination of the Shroud and what the experts found out. What I found out gave me goosebumps and made me cry.

The sites where I got the texts below are originally in Spanish and at the bottom you will see the original links and the Google Translate links in case you want to read them in English.


The following text, illustrated with drawings and photographs, represents the conclusion of six years of research personnel and the Shroud of Turin (Italy) and the Sudarium of Oviedo (Spain) work, as a member of EDICES (International Research Team Spanish center of Sindonology), but also the collection also represents the most comprehensive legal medical research ever done on a subject closely related to the Passion of Christ.

The work of eminent scholars in the field of legal and forensic medicine, from the early twentieth century until today, has been essential to understand the Shroud and the Shroud; but also thanks to the contribution of other experts from different fields of science, such as anthropologists, archaeologists, historians, physicists, chemists and artists.

Never an ancient object has assembled such a comprehensive multidisciplinary team. Science does not currently have a satisfactory answer to explain the formation of the image on the Shroud, and one for or against could be presented to science definitive proof that will stand the relevant scientific analysis.


On the layout and composition of the body, the head is slightly bent forward (angle of approximately 40 °) and high and tense neck, with marked cervical kyphosis; the sternocleidomastoid muscle, trapezium and inspiring appear rigid, like the deltoid and arm muscles supinators; the thorax is expanded, as in a forced inspiration; the pectoralis major muscle is contracted and projections; the shoulder muscles contracted and is also attached to the ribs; the sunken pit; the prominent lower abdomen; the tense back-lumbar muscles, with severe lumbar lordosis; the belly is swollen, a characteristic symptom of asphyxial death; bent legs are represented: the right angle of 64 degrees and the left angle of 77 degrees; the wound of the nails in the feet has been placed on the theory of Dr. Smith, in the confluence of the calcaneus, talus, navicular and cuboid space leading to sinus tarsi; the left foot is flexed 90 ° and 155 ° hyperextended right position called for Palacio Carvajal “in equine foot”; the arms have less rigidity than the rest of the muscles of the body and placed crossed over the pubis, but in such a way that a pose clearly forced by the fact that they had to overcome the rigor mortis set by the position of the cross; hands folded thumbs appear on the palms, due to possible damage to the nervous palmar arch caused by the nails; and flattening of the buttocks and shoulder area, according to the observations of Dr. Baima Bollone caused by the support of the mass of the body in the supine position in which it was deposited in the tomb.

The performed studies show us a swollen, own face of a man who has been badly treated and received while placing a searing object over his head, like a crown of thorns or helmet.


In appearance, the face revealed traces of an intense beating. It has caused both by direct blows, for indirect, perhaps because falling injuries: swelling in the area of ​​the forehead, brow ridges both region and middle frontal; in the arch of his right eyebrow continuous tumescence, more sharply on the outside of the eye, which should condition the partial closure of the same; abundant life blood clots in the forehead, temples, neck and scalp; profusion of arterial or venous bleeding, consistent with wounds caused by sharp objects, arranged peripherally on the skull (helmet of thorns Ziziphus jujuba); large bruise under the right zygomatic region (right cheek) as triangle, more elongated whose apex is directed towards the ridge of the nose; level left corner of the nasal dorsum, a crushing abraded area and caused by a blow that must fracture the nasal cartilage is observed, causing the deflection of the nose to the left; the nose has broadened the left wing and flattened; lips, mustache, chin and beard are steeped in blood; abundant streams of blood mixed with saliva and fluid from pulmonary edema, coming from the right corner of his mouth; very bruised chin, and abundant trails of blood coming out of the nostrils, forming two jets that cross the right side of the mouth corners and center of the lower lip.


Virtually the entire body is covered with small wounds, equal and similar small dumbbells about 3 cm in length. Brands, paired, punctiform are formed by small circles of about 12 mm diameter, something apart but connected by a transverse line, often visible. Some of these brands are very visible on the Shroud at first glance, but they clearly show the photographs of ultraviolet light. They are undoubtedly those that leave the Roman torture instrument, known as the “flagellum taxillatum”, named after the pellets or “taxilli” that finished off his three belts formed by nerves from animals.


The wounded side is between the fifth and sixth rib. It may be clear evidence of the practice of “exactus mortis” a mere finding of death made with an accurate blow of lance. We know that the crucified were usually practiced “crurifagium” a violent blow mallet with which they broke the legs to acelerarles death. We know from the Gospels that such a technique was not necessary for Jesus, since he died relatively quickly. All it took, by order of the Roman procurator Pontius Pilate, who discovering an reality of his death.

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